
Research Question

“How software project effort estimation regarding Contemporary Software Systems (CSS) has been performed?”

Search String

TITLE-ABS-KEY(("ambient intelligence" OR "assisted living" OR "multiagent systems" OR "systems of systems" OR "internet of things" OR "Cyber Physical Systems" OR "autonomous systems" OR "autonomic computing" OR "Multi-Agent Systems" OR "Pervasive Computing" OR "Mobile Computing" OR "Distributed Systems" OR "Cooperative Robotics" OR "adaptive systems" OR "Industry 4" OR "fourth industrial revolution" OR "web of things" OR "Internet of Everything" OR "contemporary software systems" OR "smart manufacturing" OR digitalization OR digitization OR "digital transformation" OR "smart cit*" OR "smart building" OR "smart health" OR "smart environment" OR "digitalization" OR "digital transformation ") AND ("effort estimation" OR "cost estimation") AND ("technique" OR "tool" OR "method" OR "process" OR "practice" OR "activity" OR "task" OR "instrument" OR "mechanism ")) AND PUBYEAR > 2002 AND ( LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA,"COMP" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA,"ENGI" ) )

Inclusion Criteria

  • 1. The paper must be in the context of software engineering;
  • 2. The paper must be in the context of contemporary software systems;
  • 3. The paper must report a primary study;

Exclusion Criteria


  • An Empirical Validation of Mobile Application Effort Estimation Models
  • System-of-systems cost estimation: Analysis of lead system integrator engineering activities
  • Software cost estimation for user-centered mobile app development in large enterprises


  • System-of-systems cost estimation: Analysis of lead system integrator engineering activities
  • An Empirical Validation of Mobile Application Effort Estimation Models
  • Software cost estimation for user-centered mobile app development in large enterprises

Aggregated Evidence


Conclusion has not been written